KAUST Research Conference on Divide, Conquer, and Combine Methods in Large-scale Simulation and Analytics, a.k.a. the 28th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods (DD28)

The proceedings volume for DD28 is finally under contract with Springer and will appear in the Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering (LNCSE) series (, where the last 13 proceedings volumes have appeared. You are invited and encouraged to submit a paper.
All papers must be prepared and submitted using Springer Verlag's multiple-author volume LaTeX template, svmult ( attached to the next mail: see authorsample.tex in the author subdirectory). The following page restrictions apply (including figures, tables, acknowledgements and references):
• Invited plenary presentations: 12 pages
• Minisymposia and contributed presentations: 8 pages
Please note that each paper should begin with a short abstract. Using the LaTeX template, this section should be placed in the \abstract*{ } environment. All figures and tables should be referenced in the text and should appear near their reference, not at the end.
Bibliographic references should follow the attached document entitled "Mathematical_and_Physical_Sciences.pdf". The references should be numbered, as opposed to other common conventions such as first author and year. All references should be cited in the text. Users of BibTeX can use the provided spbasic.bst style file provided as part of the zip file with template.
Papers will be peer reviewed. The editors of this volume are: Petter Bjorstad, Xiao-Chuan Cai, Victorita Dolean, David Keyes, Ralf Kornhuber, and Jinchao Xu. To deliver the book to Springer by October 1, we are targeting September 15 for reviews to be available to each corresponding author, and August 31 for initial submissions. Processing of the chapters will be mediated through Springer's EquiNOCS system. More details on how to access the portal will be forthcoming. The proceedings will be delivered to Springer in camera-ready version. The layout is thus the responsibility of the authors, subject to the review of the editors.
Submitted papers need not conform tightly to what was presented at the conference; titles and authoring may change and results will presumably be updated. Due to the page limits, proceedings papers will likely rely for completeness on other papers of the author(s), but they should include original results. It is natural that some authors will attempt to publish a more complete version of their work in archival journals but should reserve a special angle for their proceedings paper. The DD28 proceedings should meet traditional standards for originality and quality, within the limitations of length. Presentation at a conference is an opportunity for peer feedback and does not guarantee acceptance for publication.
If excerpts from copyrighted works (including websites) such as illustrations, tables, animations, or text quotations are included in your manuscript, please obtain permission from the copyright holder (usually the original publisher) for both the print and online format. You can get to most publications via the Copyright Clearance Center at RightsLink ( Only in cases where a publication can’t be found via that service, use the Permission Request Form and send it to the rights owner to obtain permission.
Besides appearing in the hardcopy volume published by Springer, has permission to publish the proceedings at no cost to authors or downloaders at its own website.
All paid registrants will be sent a complimentary copy of this book upon publication, which will be mailed by Springer to a physical address to be confirmed close to publication, since many affiliations change relative to conference registrations.
Please start preparing your manuscript and await advice for uploading to EquiNOCS. Feel free to contact me or any editor with questions.
Please track the "What's New" bulletins at the website for details and downloadable files. Per agreement with the publisher, like the proceedings of the first 27 conferences, they will also be available for complimentary download.